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2007 Honeywell Fiesta Bowl Aerospace Challenge


    My seventh grade sceince teacher, Mrs. Bhagdev, centered her teaching around mandatory projects, included the Science Fair. One of these was a mandatory entry into the Honeywell Fiesta Bowl Aerospace Challenge, a competition where students from around Arizona gathered designed a new International Space Station. In order to win, a team must plan out all aspects of the station, from its launch into space to meal planning and social structure. As we were allowed to choose groups, I instantly grouped with my friends, Dennis Wu and Rajan Sheth.

    Dennis, a natural leader, took the head role, keeping track of the team and maintaining a consistent vision. We totally worked our asses off, spending hours and hours each day, and reviewing every little detail. In the end, we produced a colossal amount of content: 7 reports, 25 3D renditions, and almost 15 scale diagrams. A feat for three kids still in Junior High. Below, you can see a slideshow of all of the renditions that I personally created for the project.

    Our hard work ended up paying off! Out of 200 teams, we were one of six that got picked as finalists. This meant that we advanced to the next level. The finals took place at the Challenger Space Center in Peoria Arizona. We ended up getting second place to homeschool kids, but we learned a lot, and had a blast on the way. This was my first experience using blender3D to create art for a project.

Event Pictures



You can download all of the pictures and reports here -

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